Broadcast Date / Time
Short Description
06-FEB-2025 23:44:17 | Others | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding allotment of 3590000 equity shares pursuant to Preferential Issue vide circular resolution on February 06, 2025. |  |
06-FEB-2025 19:55:28 | ESOPs/ ESOS | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding Grant of 225000 Options. |  |
06-FEB-2025 17:54:11 | Others | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding 'Intimation under Regulation 31A of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, Submission of application to Stock Exchanges upon receipt of request for Re-classification from Promoter Category to Public Category'. |  |
04-FEB-2025 19:31:33 | Others | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding further to our intimation dated January 28, 2025, regarding initiation of Income Tax search at the registered office of the Company, we would like to inform you that the Income Tax Department officials have concluded their search on February 4, 2025. |  |
04-FEB-2025 13:53:25 | Annual/ Extra General Meetings | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding newspaper clippings published today on February 4, 2025, intimating completion of dispatch of the Notice of the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company for the financial year 2024-25. |  |
03-FEB-2025 23:37:46 | Annual/ Extra General Meetings | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on February 25, 2025, to shareholders of the Company as on January 24, 2025 and the e-voting cut off date being February 18, 2025. |  |
31-JAN-2025 18:23:31 | Investors/ Analysts Meet | The Company has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet. |  |
31-JAN-2025 18:00:17 | Investors/ Analysts Meet | The Company has informed the Exchange about Transcript. |  |
29-JAN-2025 15:42:41 | Others | The Company has submitted to the Exchange a copy of Disclosure under regulation 7(2)(b) of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. |  |
28-JAN-2025 21:24:34 | Others | The Company has informed the Exchange that the Income Tax Department has today initiated a search under the Income Tax Act, 1961, at the registered office of the Company situated in Mumbai. Further details are enclosed in the attached intimation. |  |
28-JAN-2025 16:26:08 | Subsidiary | The Company has informed the Exchange that 360 ONE Distribution Services Limited, wholly owned subsidiary of 360 ONE WAM LIMITED, is in receipt of an order from Member and Core Settlement Guarantee Fund Committee of National Stock Exchange of India Limited. |  |
28-JAN-2025 15:18:48 | Financial Results | The Company has informed the Exchange about Integrated Filing (Financials) for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2024. |  |
27-JAN-2025 21:24:17 | Qualified Institutional Placement | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding the monitoring agency appointed by the Company in respect of Qualified Institutions Placement (QIP) i.e. CARE Ratings Limited for the quarter ended December 31, 2024. |  |
27-JAN-2025 21:18:20 | Investors/ Analysts Meet | The Company has informed the Exchange about the audio and video recording of the earnings call held today i.e. January 27, 2025. |  |
27-JAN-2025 19:46:56 | Others | The Company has informed the Exchange about Securities Subscription Agreement (SSA) between the Company and Mr. Saahil Murarka for issuance of warrants to Mr. Saahil Murarka. |  |
27-JAN-2025 19:43:01 | Merger & Acquisition | The Company has informed the Exchange about Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) executed between the Company, Batlivala & Karani Finserv Private Limited (B&K Finserv) and Batlivala & Karani Capital Pvt.Ltd. Ms. Swapana Murarka, Mr. Saahil Murarka and Batlivala & Karani Portfolio Advisory Services Pvt.Ltd. for acquisition of entire fully paid up equity share capital of B&K Finserv. |  |
27-JAN-2025 19:33:26 | Merger & Acquisition | The Company has informed the Exchange about Share Purchase and Share Subscription Agreement ( SPSSA ) between the Company, Mr. Saahil Murarka, Batlivala & Karani Resources Management Pvt. Ltd. and Ms. Swapana Murarka (Seller Group 1) and Batlivala & Karani Securities India Private Limited (B&K Securities), for for acquisition of entire fully paid up equity share capital of B&K Securities. |  |
27-JAN-2025 19:23:05 | Merger & Acquisition | The Company has informed the Exchange that further to our intimation dated January 23, 2025, we would like to update you that Banayantree Services Limited (BTSL) has received the necessary prior approval under SEBI (Research Analysts) Regulations, 2014, on Monday, January 27, 2025, for the acquisition and change of control of Moneygoals Solutions Limited (and resultant acquisition and change of control of BTSL) from Times Internet Limited to the Company.In view of receipt of all the necessary approval(s) and/or no objections of regulatory authority(ies), the Company will now initiate steps for discharge of the Total Consideration (as referred to in our intimation dated June 12, 2024), in accordance with the applicable laws. |  |
27-JAN-2025 18:05:18 | Others | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding a press release dated January 27, 2025, titled "Press release in relation to the acquisition of Batlivala & Karani Securities India Private Limited and Batlivala & Karani Finserv Private Limited". |  |
27-JAN-2025 17:57:49 | Qualified Institutional Placement | The Company has informed the Exchange about statement of deviation(s) or variation(s) under Reg. 32. |  |
27-JAN-2025 17:51:53 | Others | The Company has informed the Exchange about issue of upto 33,33,333 warrants on a preferential issue basis to Mr. Saahil Murarka at a price of Rs. 1,174.13/- per warrant, which are convertible into or exchangeable at an option of the holder into equivalent number of fully paid-up equity share of the Company of face value of Re. 1/- each. |  |
27-JAN-2025 17:47:13 | Others | The Company has informed the Exchange about issue of 1,00,00,000 (one crore) fully paid-up equity shares of the Company of face value Re. 1/- each, to the proposed allottees, at a price of Rs. 1,174.13/- per equity share on preferential basis for acquisition of entire fully paid up equity share capital of Batlivala & Karani Securities India Private Limited. |  |
27-JAN-2025 17:40:52 | Merger & Acquisition | The Company has informed the Exchange about acquisition of entire fully paid up equity share capital of Batlivala & Karani Finserv Private Limited. |  |
27-JAN-2025 17:29:22 | Merger & Acquisition | The Company has informed the Exchange about acquisition of entire fully paid up equity share capital of Batlivala & Karani Securities India Private Limited. |  |
27-JAN-2025 17:09:37 | Board Changes | The Company has informed the Exchange about appointment of Mr. Sandeep Tandon (DIN: 00054553) as an Additional, Non-Executive, Independent Director of the Company with effect from January 27, 2025. |  |
27-JAN-2025 17:00:30 | Others | The Company has informed the Exchange about Request for re-classification from Promoter Category to Public category pursuant to Regulation 31A of the SEBI Listing Regulations. |  |
27-JAN-2025 16:38:59 | Investor Presentation | The Company has informed the Exchange about Investor Presentation. |  |
27-JAN-2025 16:33:29 | Financial Results | The Company has submitted to the Exchange, the financial results for the period ended December 31, 2024. |  |
27-JAN-2025 16:31:08 | Board Meeting | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding Outcome of Board Meeting held on January 27, 2025. |  |
27-JAN-2025 15:35:33 | Others | The Company has informed the Exchange about General Updates. |  |
24-JAN-2025 21:47:08 | ESOPs/ ESOS | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding Allotment of 781026 Shares. |  |
23-JAN-2025 17:00:33 | Merger & Acquisition | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding intimation dated June 12, 2024, inter-alia with regard to the proposed acquisition by the Company, of the entire fully paid-up equity share capital of Moneygoals Solutions Limited (MGSL) from Times Internet Limited (TIL) and resultant acquisition of Banayantree Services Limited (BTSL a wholly owned subsidiary of MGSL) by the Company, subject to necessary approval(s) of the regulatory authorities. In this regard, we would like to update you that BTSL has received the necessary prior approval under Securities and Exchange Board of India (Investment Advisors) Regulations 2013, on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, for the aforesaid acquisition and change of control of MGSL (and resultant acquisition and change of control of BTSL) from TIL to the Company. |  |
22-JAN-2025 00:20:29 | Board Changes | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding completion of term of Mr. Pankaj Vaish as Non-Executive Independent Director of the Company w.e.f. January 22, 2025. |  |
18-JAN-2025 16:10:11 | Investors/ Analysts Meet | The Company has informed that the Company will host an earnings call at 5:30 p.m. (IST) on Monday, January 27, 2025, during which the management will discuss the Company's performance with the participants. |  |
10-JAN-2025 19:36:58 | Merger & Acquisition | This is further to our intimation dated June 12, 2024, inter-alia with regard to the proposed acquisition by the Company, of the entire fully paid-up equity share capital of Moneygoals Solutions Limited (MGSL) from Times Internet Limited (TIL) and resultant acquisition of Banayantree Services Limited (BTSL- a wholly owned subsidiary of MGSL) by the Company, subject to necessary approval(s) of the regulatory authorities. In this regard, we would like to update you that BTSL has received the necessary prior approval under Securities and Exchange Board of India (Stock Brokers) Regulations 1992, on Friday, January 10, 2025, for the aforesaid acquisition and change of control of MGSL (and resultant acquisition and change of control of BTSL) from TIL to the Company. |  |
08-JAN-2025 19:35:49 | ESOPs/ ESOS | The Company has informed the Exchange about modification in vesting schedule of certain ESOPs granted by the Company. |  |
08-JAN-2025 19:30:23 | ESOPs/ ESOS | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding Grant of 2580229 Options. |  |
07-JAN-2025 19:16:58 | Others | The Company has informed the Exchange about Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018. |  |
27-DEC-2024 16:57:04 | Trading Window | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding the Trading Window closure pursuant to SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. |  |
25-DEC-2024 15:15:17 | Credit Rating | The Company has informed the Exchange about General Updates. |  |
18-DEC-2024 19:36:04 | ESOPs/ ESOS | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding Allotment of 3,56,716 Shares upon exercise of stock options under employee stock option scheme(s) of the Company. |  |
13-DEC-2024 21:08:46 | Merger & Acquisition | The Company has informed the Exchange that 360 ONE Alternates Asset Management Limited, wholly owned subsidiary of 360 ONE WAM LIMITED completed acquisition of certain equity shares of Maple Infra InvIT Investment Manager Private Limited on December 13, 2024. |  |
13-DEC-2024 00:57:24 | Merger & Acquisition | The Company has informed the Exchange that 360 ONE Alternates Asset Management Limited, wholly owned subsidiary of 360 ONE WAM LIMITED, has entered into a share purchase agreement dated December 12, 2024, to acquire certain equity shares of Maple InvIT Investment Manager Private Limited. |  |
09-DEC-2024 18:43:47 | Postal Ballot | The Company has submitted the Exchange a copy Scrutinizers report of Postal Ballot. Further, the company has informed the Exchange regarding voting results. |  |
27-NOV-2024 21:39:18 | ESOPs/ ESOS | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding Grant of 80000 Options. |  |
25-NOV-2024 18:36:06 | ESOPs/ ESOS | The Company has informed the Exchange regarding Allotment of 130910 Shares of the Company upon exercise of stock options under employee stock option scheme(s) of the Company. |  |
23-NOV-2024 14:30:36 | Others | The Company has informed the Exchange that SES ESG Research Pvt. Ltd., a company registered with SEBI as a "Category II" ESG Rating Provider, has assigned an ESG Score (Adjusted) of 78 out of 100 for the financial year ended March 31, 2024, vide its email dated November 22, 2024. |  |
19-NOV-2024 19:41:03 | Investors/ Analysts Meet | The Company has informed the Exchange about Schedule of meet. |  |