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- DVR Equity Shares

SUMMARY View Transactions

  • Buy
  • Sell
  • No. of Buys
  • No. of Sells
  • No.of Shares Bought
  • No.of Shares Sold
Last 3 MonthsLast 6 MonthsLast 9 MonthsLast 12 Months
No. of Acquisitions0112
No. of Sells0000
Total No. of Trades0112
No. of Shares Acquired05,00,0005,00,00033,22,877
No. of Shares Sold0000
Total Shares Traded05,00,0005,00,00033,22,877
Acquisition Value(Rs. lacs)0301.90301.901,939.45
Sell Value(Rs. lacs)0000
Total Value of Shares Traded(Rs. lacs)0301.90301.901,939.45
No. of Insiders Acquiring0112
No. of Insiders Selling0000
Total No. of Active Insiders0112