As a part of our constant endeavour to extend the best possible services to our shareholders, we, JM Financial Limited (the "Company") have initiated a shareholders' satisfaction survey.

Request you to please spare a few minutes of your valuable time to fill this questionnaire:


PARAMETERS Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Website of the Company and 'Investors' Section:
1. Completeness and quality of information
2. Relevance & adequacy of information
3. Ease & accessibility while navigating
Dissemination of Information about the Company by way of:
1. Press releases
2. Email intimations
3. Dividend / ECS Intimations
4. Stock exchange intimations
5. Disclosures available on website of Company
Annual Report of the Company:
1. Quality and content of Annual Report
2. Adequacy of information
Interaction with Company's officials, if any:
1. Behaviour & hospitality
2. Accessibility
3. Response time to queries
4. Quality & speed of response
5. Satisfactory resolution of grievance, if any.
General Meeting & E-Voting Facility of the Company:
1. Contents of e-mail for AGM Notice and link for Annual Report
2. Quality of Video Conferencing/ OAVM Platform
3. Quality of e-voting Platform
4. Quality of response on the queries raised in General Meetings
Interaction with RTA of the Company -Kfin Technologies Limited:
1. Behaviour & hospitality
2. Accessibility
3. Resolution of grievances, if any
What type of communication would you like to receive from the Company in addition to the above?

Max character limit 5000
Your suggestions / recommendations, if any:

Max character limit 5000