Corporate Governance

Nucleus Philosophy on Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance philosophy at Nucleus is to comply with not only the statutory requirements, but also voluntarily formulate and adhere to a set of strong Corporate Governance practices. We believe that sound Corporate Governance is critical to enhance and retain investor trust. The responsibility for putting the recommendations into practice lies directly with the Board of Directors and the Management of the Company. The Company's goal is to find proactive and productive ways of keeping its stakeholders i.e. Investors, Customers and Associates informed, while fulfilling the role of a responsible corporate committed to best practices.

Corporate Governance Fact Sheet

Size of Board (members) 10
Number of Independent Directors 5
Board Performance Appraisal Yes
Separate Chairman and CEO Yes
Charters for Board Committees Yes
Fully Independent Audit Committee Yes
Non-mandatory Remuneration Committee Yes
Number of Board Meetings Held in FY 2021-22 12
Secretarial Audit Yes
Code of Conduct for Directors & Senior Management Yes

Compliance Status with Regulation 27(2) of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015.


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2022-23 pdf pdf - pdf
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2019-20 pdf pdf pdf pdf
2018-19 pdf pdf pdf pdf
2017-18 pdf pdf pdf pdf
2016-17 pdf pdf pdf pdf
2015-16 - - pdf pdf